• Home / Master’s In Chemical Engineering

Qualification: Resolution 022250 of Movenver 23th, 2023 – seven (8) years term
SNIES: 91110 
Program Length: 4 semesters
Modality: on-site - Bogota 

The Master’s in Chemical Engineering of the University of Los Andes offers the country a high-level academic alternative to train researchers and engineers. This program is within the framework of the current state of the field worldwide and responds to the evolution Chemical Engineering has had towards the multiscale design of innovative processes and products with emphasis on the following areas:

Advanced Materials
Biological Engineering
Process optimization
Risk and Industrial Safety

The program has a multidisciplinary approach and it is supported by the best physical infrastructure and top-level research professors.

The Master’s in Chemical Engineering seeks to develop student’s required abilities to integrate scientific and technological knowledge and, through the proper use of experimental and computational tools, it seeks successfully develop research and technology transfer projects.

General Information
Learning Objectives

Graduates are professionals with advanced knowledge in chemical engineering fundamentals and methods, capable of producing and proposing significant and innovative solutions in science and technology, aimed at meeting needs of industry, the scientific community and society. Graduates are autonomous and responsible engineers, capable of teamwork and with a multidisciplinary vision to assume leadership positions in the chemical engineering field, always with a positive attitude and an open awareness of the environment.

Applicant Profile

The master’s is mainly aimed at chemical engineers and professionals from other engineering or basic sciences who, due to their professional or academic development, have basic knowledge in thermodynamics, chemical kinetics and transport phenomena to successfully complete the program (leveling is a possibility). The program allows for part time dedication to ease the participation of professionals working in the industry and university professors in training. 

Academic Program

Following the structure of the Master’s Program of the Faculty of Engineering, the proposed program has three academic cycles for a total of 40 credits: 2 basic cycle (CBU) courses (8 credits), 5 elective courses (CLE) (20 credits) of which at least one course must be taken in another master’s and the research cycle (12 credits).

The following table proposes a reference curriculum and shows the credits distribution. The students will be able to decide how to organize their semesters. 

academic master chemical engineering


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Our email: [email protected]
Our phone number: (57-1) 3394949 Ext.3095 – 3098