• Home / Master’s in Process and Products Design

Education Ministry Qualification: Resolution 6181, May 5th, 2014 | 7 years’ term | SNIES: 103269 | Program Duration 3 semesters | Presence-based modality in Bogota

General Information

Intended for professionals in Chemical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Bio-engineering, Food Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry.


The program seeks to train professionals with differentiating elements, with grounds, tools and specific abilities that will enable them to:
Integrate within the productive schemes of their companies’ alternatives of biological origin, from bioprocesses implementation to bioproducts development.
Implement tools and programs for the optimal design of processes and chemical products, which allow companies to increase their competitiveness.
Design processes and products that minimize the use of non-renewable resources and protect the environment at all stages of the life cycle.
Fill current needs in the industrial risk area.
Lead strategies for the schemes implementation that enable them to facilitate innovative products design.

Academic Program

The program consists of three core courses (Processes and products optimal design / Computational engineering / Processes and products safety). The program has four intensification courses in processes design or products design (depending on the student’s preference), an elective course, and a space for the final project development.
This master’s program offers dynamic learning spaces that allow the student to allocate his / her time between his/her work and his/her responsibilities with the master’s degree.
The student will be able to take 3 subjects in the semester, which require a dedication of 45 hours each, distributed in 30 attendance hours and 15 hours of out-of-class student-directed work.

Contact Us:

Our email: [email protected]
Our phone number: (57-1) 3394949 Ext.3095 – 3098